Year: 2021

  • A sangoshthi at Jeevika Ashram (Part 1)

    (A 3-day sangoshthi was held at Jeevika Ashram (Indrana) near Jabalpur, 24th-26th December 2021, on “Bhārtiyatā and the perspective of Ravindra Sharma “Guruji”, with contributions of around 50 participants from different parts of the country. The event was organized with the support of IGNCA, Delhi) According to Nirukta, Bhārat is that – “prajā bharaṇa rupa”…

  • Looking back at one year of weekly blog posts

    This blog started in November 2020 as a way to keep the conversation going among the participants of the online courses that we were running at SIDH. We started with some basic rules:a. There would be a new post every Monday.b. The posts would be a quick read of around 500 words.c. The topics would…

  • A Baithak at SIDH

    (Photos from the 5 day meeting at SIDH campus at Kempty. 6th to 10th December 2021. With around 30 participants) I’ve been thinking on this word ‘baithak’. Pawan ji has used it often in conversations. The gathering in SIDH, although began as a retreat but probably evolved into a baithak of ‘samaan-dharmi’ people from different…

  • Our new Telegram channel

    This weekly blog was started on 23/11/2020 to seed discussions among the participants of our online courses. Since we have gone through a full year of regular blog posts, it is time to give you a 2-week break. 🙂 The next post will be up here on 13th December 2021. See you all then! Meanwhile,…

  • धरमपाल: सहजता और आत्म विश्‍वास कैसे लौटे (Part 2 of 2)

    (This was written in February 2021 for ‘Yathavat’ a magazine that is published from Delhi) धरमपाल जी के शोध कार्य का संभवतः सिर्फ साठ प्रतिशत या उससे भी कम ही प्रकाशित हो पाया है। पर ऐसा लगता है बरसों की तपस्या के बाद दस्तावेज़ों को पढ़ते पढ़ते, महात्मा गांधी को पढ़ते और समझते हुए और…

  • धरमपाल: सहजता और आत्म विश्‍वास कैसे लौटे (Part 1 of 2)

    (This was written in February 2021 for ‘Yathavat’ a magazine that is published from Delhi) यह धरमपाल जी का शताब्दी वर्ष है। जगह जगह छोटे बड़े कार्यक्रम हो रहे हैं। अभी 19 तारीख को धरमपाल जी के जन्मदिवस पर प्रधानमंत्री ने शांति निकेतन, बंगाल में दिये अपने एक भाषण में शिवाजी जयंती, जो उसी दिन…

  • Nothing exists in isolation (Part 2)

    (Note: This was published in two parts at 3rd space, a website that highlights alternative perspectives. The original article is available here. This is the concluding part) From the human perspective, Existence, whatever there is – both the sensorial and that which are beyond senses (thoughts, feelings, imagination, desires etc) consists of the Known and…

  • Nothing exists in isolation (Part 1)

    (Note: This was published at ‘3rd space’ a website that highlights alternative perspectives. The original article is available here. This is part 1 of 2) I grew up as a non-believer, an atheist. However, when I started working in the rural area in India, and developed some sort of relationship with the villagers, I began…

  • विविधता – परंपरा में/ आधुनिकता में (Part 3)

    Note: This is the last part of an article written by Pawan Gupta for Madhumati, a journal published from Bikaner, Rajasthan इसे और खोला जाय तो आधुनिकता ने (पढे-लिखे) मनुष्य का समस्त ध्यान सिर्फ ‘गति’ पर केन्द्रित कर दिया है। ‘गति’ और ‘स्थिति’ के बीच, ‘स्थिति’ की प्राथमिकता को भुला दिया गया है। 1) ‘स्थिति’…

  • विविधता – परंपरा में/ आधुनिकता में (Part 2)

    Note: This is part 2 of an article written by Pawan Gupta for Madhumati, a journal published from Bikaner, Rajasthan वास्तविक्ता को दो पहलुओं में देखा समझा जाता है, ये एक दूसरे से कुछ उसी तरह जुड़े होते हैं, जैसे सिक्के के दो पहलू। एक पहलू अदृश्य, निराकार या इंद्रिय निरपेक्ष – ‘होने’ वाला या…

  • विविधता – परंपरा में/ आधुनिकता में

    Note: This is part 1 of an article written for Madhumati, a journal published from Bikaner, Rajasthan दुनिया एक भयंकर दौर से गुज़र रही है। पिछले 220/250 वर्षों से जो पट्टी हमें पढ़ाई गई है और जिन व्यवस्थाओं का निर्माण किया गया है वे मानव जाति को ही नष्ट करने की ताकत रखती हैं और…

  • The Dharampal Project

    The 100th birth anniversary of Shri Dharampalji is being celebrated this year with various programs. We at SIDH have been fortunate to have spent quality time with him over the years and have had the privilege to publish some of his works. Under the ‘Dharampal project’ we are looking at ways in which we can:–…

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