Year: 2022

  • A costly personal transport vehicle

    (Disclaimer: All the following facts and figures are obtained from the internet, you should do your own internet search to verify the facts.) – A petrol or diesel car (say, a Maruti Swift) uses what is called an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE).– As the words show, an ICE operates by exploding fuel. The explosion in…

  • Bharat: A vyay-pradhaan samaaj

    (The following are the points covered in the video of Dr Harsh Satya talking about how the paramparik samaaj in India was expenditure-centred. The video is linked below.) Harsh’s teacher at IIIT Hyderabad, Navjyothi Singh, had a sudden insight that the experiences that Guruji Ravindra Sharmaji used to relate were all about a Vyay-pradhaan samaaj.…

  • Why is Dharampal Ignored?

    Question from Pawanji:It seems like the Indian academic world has not opposed Dharampal but has ignored him. What do you think? Rinpocheji’s answer:In this regard, it appears like people have treated Gandhiji and Dharampalji the same way. To be in opposition you need logical arguments. The academic world doesn’t have any. Whatever opposition can arise…

  • Chennakeshava Temple at Belur

    “Belur is situated on the banks of Yagachi River and was one of the capitals of the Hoysala Empire. The Chennakeshava Temple (also called Vijaya Narayana Temple) at Belur, built by Hoysala King Vishnuvardhana in 1116 AD, is a star shaped temple believed to have taken around 103 years to build. The temple stands on…

  • Samdhong Rinpoche on Paramparagat Shiksha

    The main points made in the 3-part video are as follows: Part 1: Adhunik Vs Paramparagat Modern education makes us slaves in all respects. It snatches away our swaraj. In particular, today’s education makes us a slave to greed. It makes us lead our lives in the pursuit of the pleasure and convenience of our…

  • The alienated elites of India

    “एक भाग है उन आधे प्रतिशत लोगों का जो अपने सहायक तथा सेवक वर्ग के सहारे, जो कि लगभग १५-२० प्रतिशत बैठता है, भारत के तंत्र और साधन क्षेत्रों को नियंत्रित करते हैं। दूसरा भाग उन ८०-८५ प्रतिशत लोगों का है, जो अपने अति सीमित साधनों और अवशिष्ट बल से ही जी रहे हैं ।.…

  • An arts and crafts mela

    Yesterday, I went and visited a large arts and crafts mela. There were 140+ stalls of craftsmen from 20+ states of India and their work in cloth, wood, metal, terracotta, stone, leather, folk art etc. was being showcased and sold. Yesterday was a Sunday and the mela grounds were very crowded. Also, all my recent…

  • Another elephant

    Middle-class people of my generation (I was born in 1966) have seen constant improvement in our material wealth over our lifetime. We have gone from lower middle-class to upper middle-class and in some cases to the rich. Our children, who are now in their twenties, have grown up pampered. If people of my generation think…

  • The elephant in the room

    I was talking to a young man yesterday and we got talking about tradition and modernity. He is a sensitive young man who has got a book of poetry published and his work is in the area of product design. I was telling him about the rootlessness that is at the heart of modernity and…

  • Reading Bharatiya Chitta, Manas and Kaala – Report

    What: Retreat at SIDH campus at KemptyWhen: May 2nd to 6th, 2022People: Around 20 participants from Bareilly, Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Vizag.Idea: Reading, contemplation and discussion on ‘Bharatiya Chitta, Manas and Kaala’ can perhaps show us a direction to be at peace with ourselves and the world. How the retreat went: We…

  • Reading Bharatiya Chitta, Manas and Kaala

    What: Retreat at SIDH campus at KemptyWhen: May 2nd to 6th, 2022Idea: Reading, contemplation and discussion on Dharampal’s visionary book ‘Bharatiya Chitta, Manas and Kaala’ can perhaps show us a direction to move forward as a conscious Indian who is at peace with himself and the world. Details:There are many amongst us who are concerned…

  • ‘Bharatiya Chitta, Manas aur Kala’: Seminar No. 1

    The 3-day seminar on Dharampalji’s ‘Bharatiya Chitta, Manas aur Kala’ that was jointly organized by SIDH and IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts) finished yesterday evening. This was the first part of a series of 4 seminars on various aspects of Dharampalji’s powerful book. Two SIDH publications were released on the first day of…

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