Author: sidh sri

  • Sanātana

    सनातन का अर्थ है “Eternal and Perennial Truth”— शाश्वत और  सतत सत्य। कृष्णमूर्ति के शब्दों में, यह “What Is” है। It is a given. You can’t do anything about it. इसलिए इसमें तर्क नहीं है। यह तो बस है। जैसा है, वैसा है। इसे पहचानना होता है। समझने जैसा कुछ नहीं है। सिर्फ देखना होता…


    Q&A with Sri Ramana Maharshi (Master) Is there any way of adoring the Supreme which is all, except by abiding firmly as that! Disciple: Master! What is the means to gain the state of eternal bliss, ever devoid of misery? Master: Apart from the statement in the Veda that wherever there is body there is misery, this is…

  • ‘Effort’

    J. Krishnamurti IT BEGAN TO rain gently enough, but suddenly it was as though the heavens had opened and there was a deluge. In the street the water was almost knee-deep, and it was well over the pavement. There was not a flutter among the leaves, and they too were silent in their surprise. A…

  • ‘What is’

    J. Krishnamurti Questioner: I have read a great deal of philosophy, psychology, religion and politics, all of which to a greater or lesser degree are concerned with human relationships. I have also read your books which all deal with thought and ideas, and somehow I’m fed up with it all. I have swum in an…