Tag: Publications

  • Learning to learn – Part 2

    Part 1 of this post talks about the first of the two books on ‘Learning to learn’. Here are some excerpts from the second book, ‘Learning to learn – Ideas on implementation’. Excerpt 1: The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) established in 2008 has been giving data driven insights into our education system. The…

  • Andheri Raat Ke Taare

    SIDH wants to bring out books written in our languages that helps us to see India, it’s samaaj, it’s ways, it’s aesthetics from our indigenous perspective. ‘Andheri Raat Ke Taare’, which was out of print for a long time, is the first book in this series. We are extremely happy that this classic has now…

  • Invisible systems and their visible effects

    SIDH is going to publish ‘The White Sahibs In India’ (first published in 1937 and talked about here, here and here on this blog) by Reginald Reynolds in a month or two. I read the full book once and then started creating a final word document for printing, for which I had to pay attention…

  • The white sahibs in India: Excerpts (part 2)

    “In order to restore India to its pristine condition, we have to return to it. In our own civilization there will naturally be progress, retrogression, reforms, and reactions; but one effort is required, and that is to drive out Western civilization. All else will follow.” – Hind Swaraj, M.K. Gandhi Our long education brainwashes us…

  • The white sahibs in India: Excerpts

    The following excerpts are from ‘The white sahibs in India’ by Reginald Reynolds, a book that we want to re-publish and popularize. The full book is available online here. Excerpt 1: Reference has already been made to the antiquity of this panchayat system. Megasthenes, who visited India three centuries before Christ, described the village communities…

  • The white sahibs in India

    At SIDH we are thinking of publishing some books that we consider very important, that are not very well known and are currently out of print. ‘The white sahibs in India’ by Reginald Reynolds, first published in 1937, is the first one we hope to publish in this series. The author in the preface dedicates…

  • Learning at Bodhshala

    This week we look at some excerpts from a SIDH publication, Learning at Bodhshala, that chronicles a unique educational experiment. I think that, in times to come, this book may become required reading for anyone trying to re-imagine a truly Indian education. Excerpt 1: (The eye of commonality, page 1) I soon realised that, with…

  • Learning to learn

    In the accelerated digital world we inhabit today, not many people seem to be doing any serious reading. It is easier to passively watch a YouTube video (at 2x speed) than to read something which forces us to think. The two books on ‘Learning to learn’ try to address this problem by using images and…

  • Understanding history

    This week we take a look at another SIDH publication – ‘Understanding history’. First published in 2003 in Hindi as ‘Itihaas ki samajh‘, this small book looks at the importance of history teaching and provides the teacher some tools to make history relevant and interesting for children. Here are some excerpts to give you an…

  • A matter of quality

    Over the years, SIDH has published more than 40 books in Hindi and English. This post highlights one such book, first published in 1998, which was based on research done by SIDH on what people from the Tehri-Garhwal area wanted from education. Here are some excerpts from the book. Excerpt 1: (Preface to the first…