A radical spokesman of Tradition: A.K. Saran
“Knowledge is, paradoxically, a knowledge of the Unknowable, a thought of the Unthinkable, a vision of Things unseen, an audition of Sound unproduced. It is ultimately knowledge of That which shines forth when we see or hear or think, and…
In an article written in 1915 titled ‘What has India contributed to human welfare’, Ananda Coomaraswamy says: ‘If we regard the world as a family of nations, then we shall best understand the position of India which has passed through…
I think that someday all Indians will know about Dharampalji, one of the great scholars of modern India. His collected writings that runs into five volumes has the potential to shift our entrenched perspectives about who we are, to change…
About Ravindra Sharmaji and a small story from the video: Ravindra Sharmaji (known as Guruji by everyone who knew him) was from Adilabad in Telangana, which was part of the Nizam’s Hyderabad and was not much affected by the British…
In the first post in a series on current and past masters who speak from within the Indian tradition, I thought of starting with Samdhong Rinpocheji. The small reason is that I was listening to a YouTube lecture by him…
Namaste, friends! Recently, we were forced to review what initiatives are going on at SIDH. With an online course that participants have liked, a monthly Charcha with Udhbhavaha school, book publishing and all the other ideas that are in the…
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